K 9's Teaching and Becoming...

Student: Lisa Hoon
Course: Independent
Medium: Video
See this Project!

Description: Service Canines play a crucial role in educating humans about what it means to be human.

Jacques Derrida writes eloquently to problematize the binary of animal/human in an effort to enlighten people about the reasons that we continually engage in violence towards one another and other species. Although canines have been recognized for centuries as able to experience reality, in both imaginative and symbolic frames of reference, such as witnessed by Levinas’ testimony to the canine Bobby in the concentration camp, humans have dangerously refused to recognize their contributions to life worlds. This visual representation of my service partner Mocha stands as testimony to the canines’ 0ability and desire to educate and transform the inhumanity of our “humanist” frame of reference. His presence in the various social milieus of human society questions a traditional western metaphysics of presence and how we recognize reality. He will present as teaching eighth grade, supporting students with various differences, and working at a hospice.

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